Organisation statute
Bylaws (as of February 9, 2023)
§1 Name, Registered Office, and Fiscal Year
The association is named Future.Empowerment.Africa e.V.
The registered office of the association is Cologne. It is registered with the competent local court.
The fiscal year is the calendar year.
§2 Purpose of the Association
The purpose of the association is to support disadvantaged individuals on the African continent and promote the future development of structurally disadvantaged people. a. Promotion of popular education, including student assistance. b. Promotion of development cooperation. c. Promotion of youth welfare.
The implementation of the association's purpose is carried out through project-specific and person-specific measures. This includes granting scholarships to selected individuals for university studies, procuring school materials for disadvantaged children and youth, conducting educational events at schools and universities, and establishing connections with the business sector to create job prospects.
In particular, the association realizes its statutory purposes through the acceptance of donations and the use of funding provided by legal and private persons as well as public sponsors for the intended purposes. The purpose of the bylaws is also realized through information events, donation appeals, and fundraising campaigns.
The association exclusively and directly pursues non-profit and charitable purposes within the meaning of the section "tax-privileged purposes" of the German Tax Code (Abgabenordnung). It acts selflessly and does not primarily pursue economic interests. The funds of the association and donations received by it are to be used exclusively for the statutory purposes. Members of the association shall not receive any payments from the association's funds. No person shall be favored by expenses that are foreign to the purpose of the association or by disproportionately high remuneration.
In the event of the dissolution or termination of the corporation or the cessation of tax-privileged purposes, the assets of the association shall be transferred to a legal entity under public law or another tax-privileged corporation for the promotion of development cooperation.
§3 Membership
Natural and legal persons who are willing to support the objectives of the association can become members.
The board decides on the written application for admission of new members.
Membership ends through death, dissolution of the legal person, resignation, or exclusion.
Resignation from the association is only possible at the end of the year. The resignation declaration must be made in writing and must reach the board by September 30th of the current year at the latest.
A member who negatively affects or harms the purposes or reputation of the association may be excluded from the association by unanimous decision of the board. The member shall be notified of the exclusion in writing. No justifying statement is necessary.
The collection of membership fees is the responsibility of the general meeting. The annual fee is determined by the proposal of the board and the resolution of the general meeting.
Supporting members are members who support and promote the work, objectives, and purpose of the association in an appropriate manner, particularly through regular financial contributions. Supporting members can be natural or legal persons. The supporting membership begins with the written declaration of the supporting member, including the authorization for the collection of support contributions by the association. The written declaration can be submitted online on the association's website. In the case of minors, the declaration must be made by a legal representative. In the case of a minor supporting member, the payment of support contributions is also made by the legal representative. Supporting members have no voting rights in the general meeting.
Supporting memberships can be terminated by death, termination, resignation, exclusion, or discontinuation of contributions.
§4 Bodies of the Association
The bodies of the association are the general meeting and the board.
The board,
within the meaning of §26 of the German Civil Code (BGB), consists of two persons. 3. Each board member is solely authorized to conduct business on behalf of the association.
§5 General Meeting
The general meeting is held annually. The invitation to the general meeting is made in writing.
Topics for the general meeting are proposed by the board and can be supplemented by individual members.
The recording of minutes is determined at the beginning of a general meeting. The signature of a board member confirms the accuracy of the minutes.
§6 Amendment of the Bylaws
Amendments to the bylaws require a majority of two-thirds of all members.
Amendments necessary for the registration or continued existence of the association as required by official orders can be implemented by the board without the approval of the general meeting. However, these amendments must not affect the orientation, purpose, name, or registered office of the association.